Saturday, February 14, 2009


This morning I received an e-mail from Elizabeth saying that she had finished the book. She had woken up at 6 just so she could read it and finish it before me. She obviously knew that I wasn't that crazy to wake up that early just to bat her in a competition. Oh well. There goes my babysitting money.

I never know how much I love a story until I read it again. Nor do I realize how much I miss the characters in those stories. Reading Shadow Spinner has reminded me of many characters that I have loved buy have forgotten. Characters such as "Crazy, Old Zybab", Dunyazad, Ayaz, Mitra, and even Marjan.  It is what they add to the story that makes it special. Take them away and you wouldn't have the same story. 

I almost cried at the same parts that I had almost cried when I had listened the book the first time.  Reading the book again also reminded me of those late nights with all of us kids sitting in the living room listening to Mom read. She would always stop reading at a really good part. When we begged her to read on, she would say "No, because it is late and you need to go to bed." That was never a good reason, in my opinion. 

There are so many books that I should read again. But do I? No. I don't know why I am keeping myself from reading. I have plenty of time to but never think I do. I really need to work on that.

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