Worldview was amazing. I had a great time. The lectures were good, and I learned a ton.
Dana also was there for the last days, which made me soooo happy. Everyday I grew in anticipation of when she would be here. I loved seeing her with the people she loves so much and I had heard so much about. It made my day when I got to see her doing stuff with the amazing staff (mosh pitting, dancing in the aisle and being in the Spamley Cup) (sigh) Oh how I missed her.
This year at worldview has challenged me more than last year, I think. God put me in situations that I was entirely comfortable with, but it helped me to grow in some way. Example: Witnessing. I never liked the idea of going up to some stranger and talking about my faith. But this year, God put me in a group with a first year boy, and a shy second year girl. Even though they both helped starting the conversations, I probably started most of them (the part that I hated to do) But through that, I had to rely on God for the strength to go up to that person. I'm not sure how much of an impact we made, and I will probably never know. But I think God did something out there on the street of downtown Lancaster.
Also, I have been trying to find worldviews in the music that I listen to. Music... what a great way to slip worldviews into unsuspecting minds. I have fallen victim to it many times. But, there is hope for keeping bad stuff out. I loved how Mark Bertrand took the story of the fall of Constantinople and brought out 5 lessons that will help us defend our minds. It can be hard though. Some of the music is just so much fun to listen to that one forgets to check for bad ideas and influences.
Looking back over my notes from camp, I realize how much I have learned. And how much I still have to put into practice. How much I need to continue looking for wisdom, and how much I need to look to God with all of my problems.
And that I can't make it up to God for any sin that I do. Why is that last one so hard? You do something wrong, and you can rest assured that God forgives you if you ask. That's it? It seems like that just isn't enough. Well, it is enough. It is more than enough because God sent Jesus to die for us sinners and the sins we commit. Our lives and freedom of sin cost a life. It should be enough. Yet, I find myself still trying to make it up to God somehow. (man, how rude is that?)
"We were called to freedom. Live like it! Don't try to make it up to him." -Brandon Booth in the lecture "Lawbreakers"
It is nice being reminded that I don't have to do anything for my salvation. I get to have it through Jesus.
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