Friday, March 27, 2009

It is over

"Well, we pulled it off. All our plans came to fruition." -Delbert (Chris) Monday Always Leads to Murder

Play time has ended for another year. It was a good play. There were alot of firsts in it. There was the spilling of the wine two times, knocking over a lamp, baby powder in hair, a jewl not coming out of a dagger, burnt popcorn, and drinking a whole bottle of sparkling grape juice (wine). The drinking was mostly me because once I got on stage I was soooo thirsty and I had to drink something. 

But the play itself went very smoothly. When something went wrong, we fixed it and kept going. I was amazed on how well we worked together and the very last moment. During the week I wasn't sure that we would make it. But we did. I think that it helped with all of us girls getting make up done, getting mikes on, and getting last minute hair and costume stuff done all in one bathroom. It was pretty funny. (The boys had great fun laughing at us as we had mascara and eye liner issues) 

Also, "Who's on First" went really well. I forgot somethings but Mom was there and filled me right in and we kept going. It was pretty good for only getting it ready this week. 

Great job cast! You did an awesome job! (Now, I am going to sleep for a very loooooong time)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Gretchen dear! This is Rachel's know who I am but on Blogger I prefer to go by the name Elwen (don't ask, I know it's strange...).
    I'm so glad you did well!!!
    I had some laughs with Joe, Rach, Joanna, and Josh about the sparkling grape juice...Pretty cool :)
    Looking forward to more great posts!
    Good luck and God bless :)
