This Afternoon: When Dad calls Mom's cell phone, the phone usually says that his number is restricted. So, I assumed that it was him. I pick up the phone and said "Hey dad, here is mom." Low and behold, it was not dad. It was the doctors office reminding mom of an appointment for someone. (I dug myself a hole after that)
That is the only funny stories I have right now.
Nothing much has happened to me. Since Dana and Hannah have left, I have now become the oldest. I hate it. There was a reason that God made me the middle child. He knew it would suit me. But I guess being the oldest is a growing experience too. And, I don't have any exact reason why I dislike it. I just don't.
On top of that, I miss Dana and Hannah dreadfully. The house seems empty without them. And I miss Hannah driving me to places. Good times. I can't wait for them to come home (and no it is not just because I don't like being the oldest. ).
CHESS is being... well... CHESS. French I absolutely adore. American Lit is AMAZING. But Chemistry... (pause with roll of eyes) well lets just say that it is NOT going to be my favorite subject anytime soon. But besides that, CHESS is going pretty well so far.
Co-op is just a blast! We are doing The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood as a drama this year. YEAH!!!!!!!! Our cast is a good one. Come and see it on Nov. 20th.
Shining Light is good (what else would it be). Penelope joined (: and that is very exciting. I love the songs we are doing and the first show is coming up.
That is about it. I told you nothing much has been happening. Just chugging along as best as I can.